our firm
Click Engineering boasts over six decades of excellence in structural and civil design.
Whether you're a prospective or current client, we extend our invitation to experience the expertise your projects deserve.
The Structural Engineering Department excels in designing a wide range of buildings, from municipal and institutional spaces to multifamily residential, K-12, and higher education structures.
Design + Consulting• New Commercial Building Design
• New Addition / Renovation Design
• BIM (Building Information Modeling)
• Design For Sustainability
• High Wind Hardening
• Tornado / FEMA Design
• Blast Reinforcement / Secure Design
• Specialty Structures
• Vibration DesignReview + Assessment
• Existing Construction Review
• Peer Review
• Building Performance Analysis
• Pre-construction Structural Assessment
• Pre-purchase Structural Assessment
• Pre-development Assessment -
The Civil Engineering Department specializes in crafting on-site infrastructure and site development plans for a diverse range of public and private projects.
• Due Diligence Studies and Site Investigation
• Site Planning
• Preliminary Engineering Analysis
• Regulatory Approvals / Entitlements
• Zoning
• Platting / Mapping
• Site Plan Review
• On-site Infrastructure Design
• Site Plans
• Grading
• Drainage / Detention
• Water Service Connections
• Sanitary Sewer Service Connections
• Erosion Control
• Peer Review
• Flood Plain Analysis / Permitting
• Building Permit Expedition
• SWPPP Preparation / Inspections
• Construction Support
• Off-site Improvement Design
• Roadway Extensions
• Water Distribution Mains
• Sanitary Sewer Main Extensions
• Sanitary Sewer Lift Stations
• Drainage OutfallsServices Provided Through Civil Consultant Relationships
• Landscape Architecture
• Irrigation Design
• Traffic Impact Analysis Studies
• Intersection Signal Design
• Surveying
• Floodplain Permitting
• Environmental Services
• USACE Jurisdictional Analysis / Mitigation
Our philosophy emphasizes collaboration with clients to create exceptional Structural and Civil Engineering designs, tailored to their needs. Our role also extends beyond design; we serve as educators and advocates for engineering ethics, prioritizing public safety and welfare.
our services
Click principals and employees have contributed often to the public sector through charity or other donations of time and expertise. Some of the organizations we have supported with pro-bono consulting are listed here.
The TAC is a comittee within the TREC organization made up of members that provide pro-bono consulting assistance to organizations in need. www.recouncil.com
The Builders of Hope provide affordable housing alternatives to less fortunate West Dallas residents. www.buildersofhopecdc.com
Through BC Workshop, a Dallas based non-profit community design center, and TREC, Click Engineering has provided structural engineering oversight and consulting on numerous award winning charity projects. (All pictures courtesy and copyright of BC Workshop) www.bcworkshop.org
Pro-bono projects
The Cottages at Hickory Crossing
Positioned at the gateway to downtown Dallas, The Cottages at Hickory Crossing will provide an innovative union of permanent housing and support services for the fifty most chronic cases of homelessness in Dallas. This project has won a 2017 Built Design Award from the AIA Dallas Chapter.
The project involved the revitalization of an entire block of housing for less fortunate East Dallas residents on "Congo" Street. New houses were designed and built to achieve LEED Platinum level.
BC Workshop provided design of several single family residences for the revitalization of the Dallas Dolphin Heights Neighborhood. Click Engineering provided pro-bono structural consulting and oversight.
BC Workshop provided architectural services for the design of 11 senior living homes next to Jubilee park in Southeast Dallas for the underprivileged elderly residents. Click Engineering provided structural engineering consulting services.
metrocrest services headquarters
To address the community’s needs, a plan for the Metrocrest Services expansion has been developed that will increase the number of clients served and improve the quality and reach of Metrocrest’s services and programs through a $15,800,000 Building Our Future capital campaign. Metrocrest Services specializes in helping individuals, families, and seniors who are going through a crisis situation stabilize their lives for a brighter future.